
Embarking on the Path of Sustainability: Your Guide to the Energy Validation Process (EVP)


Whether you’ve been avidly tracking Filecoin Green’s advancements through our Slack channels, newsletters, and meetups, or are freshly introduced to our network through an engaging ESPA session, this is your starting line. Our digital doors are always open at green.filecoin.io and we’re just an email away at green@filecoin.org.

Now, it’s time to voice your intent. By filling out this Energy Validation Process form, you signal your readiness to join the ranks of Storage Providers (SPs) vested in our mission. With your submission, our Green Team gears up to bring you on board, setting up a meet-and-greet to demystify the process, and to clarify what kind of data we’ll need from you.

The heart of the EVP is data, the lifeblood of validation. We require information — your electricity bills, energy consumption, production data, water usage, and more for each minerID. Our Energy Validation Template and Hardware Configuration Template, prepared with precision, are your guides. Note that these templates, like the validation process itself, are fluid, evolving with time and your feedback. Our ambition is to provide the best and easiest experience for you, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us.

Wherever you’ve trodden the path of sustainability — be it through renewable energy sourcing or other practices — we want to know. Detail your eco-conscious pursuits in the templates provided.

Rest assured, your data isn’t just gathered, it’s guarded and verified. Our team, alongside the expert assessors from Anthesis, scrutinizes each byte of information you submit, ensuring its integrity. We’ll evaluate your demonstrated sustainable practices, calculate electricity grid emissions intensity considering regional factors, match emissions factors with electricity consumption over time, and assess your overall environmental impact.

Are you in the early stages of your sustainability journey? No worries! We present you with a comprehensive summary and a list of recommendations following your EVP. Our aim is not to penalize, but to propel the entire network towards measurable decarbonization progress, one EVP at a time.

What do you reap from this process? Recognition. A Sustainability Claim, a badge of honor that tells the world of your environmental responsibility. We’ve dubbed these ‘Green Scores,’ a grading system designed to be tied with incentives — economic boons that could come your way as early as this quarter. Your dedication not only earns you scores but also provides insights and suggestions to enhance your green practices. All of this data will be readily accessible on CO2.storage and greenscores.xyz.

Your Green Score isn’t just a number — it’s a powerful business differentiator. Being an early recipient of a Green Score opens doors to incentive programs, potentially boosting your reputation score, expediting data cap allocations for FIL+, and even unlocking green financing opportunities. Investors around the globe are increasingly seeking trusted sustainable investments — your Green Score can become your ticket to that realm.

Remember, your journey in sustainability isn’t just about you — it’s a beacon of inspiration for your customers, investors, and the entire Filecoin network. It’s a statement of your dedication to a greener future and a crucial step in unlocking a realm of benefits for your green SP operations. Together, let’s inscribe a verdant future into our planet’s history, marking each milestone with a proud Green Score.
